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Return and Refund

Welcome to the website , where all services are offered by the company CTDE - Centro de Ensino e Desenvolvimento Empresarial Ltda, registered under CNPJ nº 00.472.133/0001-60 with address Rua Gutemberg, 151 - conj 502 Neo 360 New Corporate - Petrópolis, Porto Alegre - RS , represented through this web page.

The customer may return the product or exchange it that was purchased on our e-commerce within 7 days, whatever the reason, as per the provisions expressed in the Consumer Protection Code in its art. 49, plus 14 EXTRA days, totaling 21 days to evaluate the course. The biggest guarantee on the market!

For the exchange or return to occur, the product must be as delivered, with all accessories, manual and packaging, box.

The product that will be returned or exchanged must not show any signs of use, such as the product being cracked, scratched or showing signs of falling.

If you requested an exchange of the product, the new one will be sent to the address and you will be notified about the shipment via email.

If you requested a refund, the amount will be returned in the same way the payment was made.

If it was via credit or debit card, the amount will be credited or debited on the current or next card statement, as we will inform the card administrator.

If payment was made via bank slip, the refund amount will be refunded within 30 business days directly to the account we will request at the time of your return request.

To request a refund, please contact our Customer Service Center: , Telephone and Whatsapp (51) 99997-2187 or using the customer service form on our website .

Thank you very much.

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