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Supermercados Guanabara reopens store in São Gonçalo with new features

São Gonçalo, April 26, 2024 – The Guanabara Supermarket chain reopened its store in São Gonçalo, in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, this Friday (26). The unit, which has undergone complete modernization, offers customers a wider, more comfortable environment and an even greater variety of products.

Supermercados Guanabara
Supermercados Guanabara

Highlights of the renovation: Wider aisles: making it easier for customers to circulate and view products. New furniture and machinery: providing greater practicality and efficiency in shopping. 50% more powerful and economical lighting: ensuring a more pleasant and sustainable environment. Area dedicated to floriculture: so customers can give gifts or decorate their homes with fresh flowers. Expanded bakery: with a greater variety of breads, cakes, savory snacks and other fresh products. Butcher shop with refrigerators with glass details: for better viewing of meat cuts. Dairy island in the salon: allowing customers to move around the place and choose their products more conveniently. Integration of the perishables area: with the produce department linked to the savory sector and the Swift butcher shop, facilitating shopping. Snacks and appetizers section next to the drinks section: so customers can find everything they need for a complete snack in one place. In addition to new features in the store structure, Guanabara also offers: Competitive prices: with promotions on various products throughout the month. Variety of brands and products: to meet the needs of all customers. Quality service: with trained employees ready to help. The Guanabara de São Gonçalo store is located at Avenida Jornalista Roberto Marinho, 221, and is open from Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 10pm, and Sundays, from 7am to 6pm. See how to get there with Google Maps: Guanabara invites everyone to visit the new store in São Gonçalo and enjoy the new features!


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